Skidmore Group Foundation
Big picture
We aspire to create a better world by accelerating people's talents so they can meet their true potential and in turn, lift others.
In June 2022 we held our first annual Skidmore Foundation Charity Golf Tournament. Together, we were able to IGNITE CHANGE for Pacific Autism Family Network, the Rick Hansen Foundation and Wagner Hills Farm. Funds raised went to helping these charities make a difference in the lives of British Columbians struggling with accessibility, mental health, physical disabilities and drug and alcohol addiction.
Our second annual Skidmore Charity Golf Tournament on June 21, 2023, raised funds and awareness for the hardworking teams at Ally Global Foundation, City Dream Centre, Pacific Autism Family Network and Wagner Hills Farm. They serve underprivileged children, youth and seniors, support those struggling with mental illness and addiction and provide resources to families, caregivers and first responders.
For 2024, our efforts were focused on food and education initiatives for children and their families. With our charity partners Kuwasha, City Dream Centre and Raphael House funds raised have already gone to work supporting hundreds of children.
For more information and charity updates please visit our event website.
Any questions or inquiries can be directed to:
For Skidmore, business is a platform for magnifying the best intentions of people and focus them on creating a powerful change in the world. When reflecting this upon ourselves, we were able to ignite our intentions by setting up both the Skidmore Group Foundation and Allan Skidmore Family Foundation.
Through these philanthropic foundations, we invest in developing tools to help people meet their true potential; which starts with the core pillars of community development, healthcare and education.

There is nothing that has a larger impact on people’s lives than their health. Being healthy is a fundamental right and a necessary prerequisite to realizing one’s full potential, especially when it concerns children.
Through long-term partnerships with medical foundations and institutions, we devote a major part of our philanthropic strategy to improving the lives of those in need.
We believe that the paths we choose to take in our lives are shaped by our social circles. From our families to our colleagues to the community at large, the need for love and belonging is ever present in each one of us.
The Skidmore Group Foundation makes a conscious effort to give back to our community, associating with the organizations that enable us to thrive as social beings.
Learning is a lifelong pursuit for self-actualization. Learning instills confidence and opens up a world of opportunities to people who are willing to put in the work. Grateful for the high-quality education we were able to receive ourselves, we are now determined to help others.
Through our efforts to support students and schools, we hope to play a role in building the foundation for the brighter future for all
The Skidmore Foundation is a non-profit charitable organization registered under the BC Societies Act.
Charity #: 76771 4710 RR0001
Charitable receipts will be issued by the Skidmore Foundation in the name of the payor, and in accordance with all other requirements established by the Canada Revenue Agency.
The Skidmore Foundation and/or the charities that benefit from the Heroes Invitational Golf Tournament reserve the right to refuse any sponsorship or donation at their sole discretion. Any sponsorships, donations or gifts not accepted will be returned to the sponsor/donor and no explanation will be provided.
Acceptance and/or recognition of sponsors/donors by the Skidmore Foundation and/or the charities that are benefitting from the Heroes Invitational Golf Tournament does not imply endorsement by the Skidmore Foundation and/or the charities that are benefitting from the Heroes Invitational Golf Tournament of any product, service or philosophy of the sponsor or donor.